YAMADA HA Shito Ryu Shukokai
Karate UnIon CANADA
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SSU Chief instructor katana Karate club Canada
Sensei Tony Cornett

Born Manchester England  October 1966,
Married to Susan and has two daughters Alexandra and Christie.
Emigrated to Toronto Canada 14th july 2004. Served 14 years in the
Greater Manchester Police Force England,Qualified Self Defence instructor,
Kwik Kuff,Baton,CS Spray,Public Order instructor,
Member of the Tactical Aid Unit.
Served 8 years in the British Armed forces in the Royal Pioneer Corps,
Qualified as a Physical training Instructor,Small arms weapons instructor,Passed and completed Selection Hereford January 1989

Martial Arts Qulaifications

1st Dan Tae Ho Jutsu
2nd Dan Goju Ryu Karate
5th Dan Shito Ryu Shukokai Karate
Qualified First Aider St Johns Ambulance